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To The Ravenna Newsletter! We are excited to share our website with you. By subscribing to the newsletter you can enjoy all sorts of content. The Ravenna Newsletter has entertained many subscribers all over the neighborhood, state, and country four almost 5 years. You can become one of those subscribers today!  

The Ravenna Newsletter

Latest Articles

Excerpted From Issue 349

Light Rail Expansion 
and update

    On Saturday we visited Pike  Place for the morning as it is always fun and it is a nice day. Instead of driving down, we used the light rail. Since its opening, I have traveled on the rail as it is convenient and a fun experience.  

    Recently new additions and one of the offshoots  have  opened. The ultimate goal of the light rail is have it run from Everett all the way to Tacoma. There will also be branches to Redmond, Issaquah, Ballard, Burien and West Seattle. The totally completed light rail does not have a finished date until the late 2030s to early 2040s. However, many new stations will open and the track will slowly grow. 

    The newest addition to the light rail is the Lynnwood station which opened on Friday, August 30th. This station has been under construction for several years and we have been able to watch the progress as we drive by every week. This extension adds 8.5 miles of track to the... 

​To read the whole article on the Light Rail expansion and Update email today!

Excerpted From Issue 348

Rising Sun Produce Now Open!

     Rising Sun Produce has officially opened and everybody is excited. At the barbecue party on Sunday, neighbors got to see everything that had been accomplished to the building and the progress made after the fire. 

    At the bash, Bud Goodwin and his son, Virgil, were both  very excited for the reopening and happy with the renovations. When asked about why they were able to open four months earlier than expected, they told me it was because of the permits. Virgil said instead of them waiting six months to get the needed permits like others in Seattle, it only took them three weeks. Because of this and the easy hiring of a construction company the work was able to be started quicker. The interior of the building...

​To read the whole article on Rising Sun Produce's grand opening email today!

About The Newsletter

Ravenna Newsletter History

David Lilja decided in 2019 that he wanted to create his own newsletter for his neighborhood. He called it The Ravenna Newsletter, handwriting the two page "newspaper" three times a week. Now, four years later and a handful of improvements, David, now 14 delivers The Ravenna Newsletter once a week with around 30 subscribers all over the neighborhood, Washington and the country! 

Included in the Newsletter

The Ravenna Newsletter is four pages long, three pages with articles and one with games. News articles include information and interviews with new companies and closing companies. David also covers construction in the neighborhood, as well as information on neighborhood fires and other odd happenings in the neighborhood. Much goes on in the neighborhood, and there is not much that David does not cover.

Newsletter Subscription

The Ravenna Newsletter costs $4.00 a month, and is delivered once a week. To subscribe, contact David for an email or hand delivered subscription.

a rear view of a boy walking by fancy houses while holding a stack of newspapers under his

About David

David is 14 years old and has been living in the Ravenna neighborhood all his life. He is one of ten kids that are all homeschooled. David started The Ravenna Newsletter in 2019 because he wanted a chance to write, and it became an opportunity for him to write about neighborhood happenings. David is a Christian and thanks God for his skill to write.

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